Black Horses for Sale |

3 items
Black/ white  Mare infoal to Homo Grulla stallion

Black/ white Mare infoal to Homo Grulla stallion

$ 5,500

This is a big stout mare that has beautiful foals. Bred back to a Homo Gru;lla stallion for another Grulla foal 95%. Slight cloud in on eye has stayed the same for years. Just look at her foals,…

B/W Overo in foal to a Homo Grulla stallion

B/W Overo in foal to a Homo Grulla stallion

$ 8,000

A nice young mare bred to a Homo Grulla stallion 95% chance for a Grulla. If it comes out marked like this colt it could sell for what she cost.

Black Mare infoal to Homo Grulla stallion

Black Mare infoal to Homo Grulla stallion

$ 6,000

Great breeding and she has beautiful foals every year. 95% chance she will have a grulla foal.